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Why do people have their panties in a bunch over this drug s/l?

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Why do people have their panties in a bunch over this drug s/l? Empty Why do people have their panties in a bunch over this drug s/l?

Post  clarityfades Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:12 pm

I posted this @ another board...but I thought it'd be good to discuss here as well:

I don't see why everyone has such a bug up their butts about this drug s/l & all the JaSam scenes. B/c if y'all think back to those spoilers that were coming out between March & May of this year...THIS was the drug s/l. Imagine IAN DEVLIN in all those Jerm scenes instead of Jerry, & voila! Things start to match up. If Guza didn't have such a hard-on for Jerry, he wouldn't have sacrificed Ian to save Jerry--leaving Jerry as the Michael's shooter--NOT IAN. & all Guza had to do really is just hire a dayplayer to be the actual shooter (Jerry & Ian NEVER acted like they were all that scared of Claudia--why would either of them agree to be the actual shooter in the first place? LAME). That way, although Claudia, Ian, & Jerry would be responsible for Michael's shooting, NONE of them would have actually pulled the trigger. & all could still be alive now.

Then, all those Lucky/Sam/Ian triangle stories come true...this was all supposed to happen before fall...& the drug s/l would've still carried on into this sweeps period. We'd still have JaSam scenes, & Sam WOULDN'T have been flirting with her mother's man. Sure, Jerry was still involved, but she would've been working Ian, not Jerry, for information. Possibly with the other rumors that Ian was also trying to work from the inside to bust the drug ring (also based on SD's exit interview--since he admitted he was supposed to be on the show for quite some time)...& that possible MOC we heard about involving Sam & Ian. All of this would've been a much better story than the BS we've had to endure thus far. But Guza's OSS got in the way of telling an interesting & compelling surprise there.

& remember the interrogation room convo LuSam had? Don't you think it would've been both more realistic (in terms of the s/l), & more compelling had it been Ian they were arguing about? NOT JERRY.

Many people are bitching that this is all KeMo's fault. That she went to Brian Frons & said, gimme a s/l...I'm thinking it's more like she went to Frons & said..."Hey, remember how the writers called me in & said they wanted to have me do this dual s/l? WTF happened to that?" With Ian's death, the s/l got pushed to the side...& only resurrected when Frons REMINDED Guza that he was supposed to be writing a drug s/l involving KeMo. So, Guza decides to revisit Sic, & make Sam fuck around with Jerry....knowing damn well people would be pissed. Well, Guza can go fuck himself in his ear for all I care, I REMEMBER those spoilers....I REMEMBER what was supposed to happen. So everyone who wants to get all up in KeMo's jock for actually asking for what she was promised (& what the WRITERS WANTED TO WRITE), can kiss my big, beautiful black ass!

Rant over (for now).

Number of posts : 5584
Age : 44
Location : In Ric's bed...with Ian, Lucky, Nik & Sonny...yes, I'm greedy
Registration date : 2008-08-25

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Why do people have their panties in a bunch over this drug s/l? Empty Re: Why do people have their panties in a bunch over this drug s/l?

Post  Stacy Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:42 pm

Great rant Clarity!

I haven't been to other boards so this is the first I have heard there has been an issue. For people to blame KeMo is just retarded (LOL for lack of a better word). The problem I had with the s/l in the beg. is that it kept getting dropped then picked back up just to be dropped again. Now that it is finally in full force I am excited. I feel that for once the writers are handling this s/l the way I can picture. Sam isn't begging Jason for help, they just happen to be working together now that I can believe. Sam is working (as far as I can tell so far) as an equal not a minion, again believable. I think for either couples (Liason & Lusam) to work we need to have closure from Jason & Sam this is way for them to work it out. IMO of course.

Clarity, I can completely see Ian in Jerry's role with the s/l in yes, it would have been more believable.

Number of posts : 2831
Age : 48
Location : Having a drink w/ Brenda, Robin, Liz & Sam
Registration date : 2008-08-25

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